Armes d'infanterie
Armes d'infanterie

Machine gun
The KM-7,62 machine gun is made for 7,62 x 54R cartridges

Tank machine gun
Tank machine gun KTM-7,62 – has Picatinny rail, firing trigger and mechanical rifle scope instead of electric trigger

NSVT 12.7
Heavy machine gun
A 12.7 mm NSVT is a vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun, which is equipped with an electrical trigger

High-precision tactical rifle
The sniper rifle has a convenient design: it can be disassembled into two parts, which reduces its dimensions and provides compactness during transportation

High-precision tactical rifle
The platform shows high reliability and simple maintenance in all climate zones including extremely hot/cold and humid environments

Light machine gun
Fort-401 is a light machine gun of 5,56x45mm that is intended to increase infantry firepower and meets all requirements of modern warfare.

Automatic rifle
Due to its small dimensions, the Malyuk rifle can be used in the SMG tactical niche